Cyber Day; Post Nine

In light of yesterday's assignment, we were instructed today to reflect on our accountability throughout these times of social distancing. This includes: actively participating in social distancing, cleaning ourselves, and giving our best efforts to remain home. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that everyone takes these guidelines too seriously. I've seen plenty of people online going about their normal hangouts with large groups of friends, rather than distancing themselves to slow the spread. Weeks ago, we were struggling to perform tests. Now it seems that the FDA approval time has been expedited for the purpose of introducing faster COVID-19 testing kits as well as possible vaccines. There seems to be a lot of de-regulation occurring to allow businesses to survive in such a harsh time. Simply put, if no-ones out there spending money, the economy will not grow (or will have very little growth). As a student, I find myself more stressed out than usual since I'm locked in my house all day and have nowhere to really go; as a result, I'm tending to spend an excessive amount of time on homework assignments, which will likely pay off. In regards to integrity, I wouldn't even consider looking at someone's work. While it would make my workload much less, in this time of self-isolation, I need an ample workload in order to remain sane. Before we get to our SOCIAL studies, I'd like to discuss what I've been doing on my own time. Personally, I've been doing a lot of trading, utilizing software such as thinkorswim to help me decide my holdings and plays, though lately, I've been contemplating a transition to Value-Investing. This thought comes after such a significant "correction". Honestly, I think our markets are holding relatively strong in comparison to how many people are currently being furloughed, though, I imagine it'll get worse. Now onto our social studies, I feel as if we've slowed down with Greece, which is unfortunate, though I understand that it's a complicated subject that requires in-depth perspectives and discussions. Recently, when we had to make a comparison between COVID-19 and the Plague of Athens, I became slightly worried. To be able to put things in perspective really helped, though I feel like with the technology we have today, we'll surpass this pandemic. Still, I must continuously practice Social Distancing and work with my family to make sure we all remain clean. It is in everyone's best interest to work together so that we can surpass this soon, though it's unfortunate that the Governor had to implement an order to stay home for nearly everything. As for my opinion on how this is impacting people, I feel that for those who take this seriously, they understand how much of an impact they have on saving lives. I have a good feeling I'm not the only person who's not continuously looking at the John Hopkins Map for the COVID-19 outbreak, which likely isn't helping me; rather, just scaring me and others. From the looks of it, we're likely not going back to school, but I imagine our school will adjust accordingly, ensuring we're doing a fair amount of work so that we're prepared for when we do return to our normal classes.

To assist anyone looking for further information, here are some informative links:

I hope these help anyone seeking help during these times...

With that said, I conclude my Ninth Cyber Day Post; Till next time! Stay Safe!  


  1. Excellent work, as usual, Nick! Thanks for being so responsible.


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