Coronavirus Talk

Contrary to my other classes, we spoke in-depth about the Coronavirus. This seemingly sparked a slight fear among the class since we understood that we may have to leave school for a while but still undergo online classes. For the majority of the time, Mr. Schick was telling us that most of the updates will be presented after school at their mandatory meeting. Besides that, I'm not really all that scared, mostly because It isn't that lethal to people my age and without underlying illnesses. In hopes that I won't fall behind, I am asking as many questions now regarding subjects which I don't understand so that I can be prepared for when we have off. There were also questions in regards to the Cyber-Days, I am surprised at how little is known about them by all the teachers I have seen today. In addition to learning about the precautions we can take to be clear of this virus we also spoke about how we should begin to take our books home so that we may better prepare ourselves.

With that said, I conclude my March 3rd Blog Post. Till next time!


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