Cyber Day; Post Four

For our final Cyber Day this week, we were instructed to write briefly in regards to our opinions and thoughts on the Cyber Days. Personally, while I find I have more time to do things I would like, that doesn't make up the lack of learning.  I find that whatever we're assigned to learn through a number of different resources (Pearson Realize, etc.), I could've learned faster and better on my own time by researching the subject using Youtube and other browsers. I also am frustrated that I cannot ask questions like I used to, which will definitely affect my academics.  In addition to not being able to ask questions, I'm aggravated that all my teachers cannot seem to decide the central place in which they will post all of their assignments. An example of this would be. I know to go to Mr. Schick's blog daily, whereas another class mixes all of their assignments on Teams, Remind, Veracross, and etcetera. Although I understand there is no true solution to this, I wish we weren't given so much work and were told rather discover more on our own; we have so many resources. Whether it's textbooks, looking things up online, or Youtube, I always find it easier to learn when you're given free range to learn as you wish. I understand there's a curriculum in which we must follow, but I view that if we do enough of our own learning, we would be fine to be assessed. As an update to the virus, things are surprisingly bad, to a point in which NYC has declared all unnecessary workers to remain home. Quite honestly, I'm not fearful about the virus and catching it. Though, I would never want to contract it in fear of spreading it to someone who doesn't have the strength to take the virus on. I wonder at what point will they just call school off for the year because it's definitely looking like it, many schools already have. 

With that said, I conclude my March 20th Cyber Day post; Till next time!


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