Cyber Day; Post 25

As our class has become aware, we have an upcoming test and essay for our ancient Rome studies. To better prepare ourselves for this assessment, we as a class are taking steps now to ensure that come June 1st-June 2nd, we are well prepared to ace this. For today, we were directed to select one of three questions to answer for the essay portion of our test. My selection, as well as my reasoning, is listed below: 

For my essay section on my ancient Rome test, I have opted to answer the following question: A.) Compare and contrast the government of ancient Rome with the government of the modern-day United States. In my answer, I'll likely touch on numerous aspects of the two governments including their system (democracy, republic, etc.), laws, terms, philosophy, roles of power, and possibly even the criminal justice system. The latter of which would be focused on because of the severe treatment our class has heard ancient Rome (and Greece for that matter) had practiced. In addition to reviewing, analyzing, and comparing these aspects of the ancient Roman Government to that of the United States, I also intend to briefly touch on their development and growth to being a prosperous civilization, more specifically in regards to how they overcame barriers (what set them apart in that sense) and what slowed them down? 

Starting today, I plan on utilizing my time properly for ensuring I'm well prepared for this upcoming assessment, this includes reviewing my previous blogs, looking through Mr. Schicks slide presentation, his website, and really just the internet as a whole, which had proven to be a valuable resource in our Western Studies. 

With that said, I conclude my brief Cyber Day Post answering which essay prompt I will answer; Till next time, stay safe! 


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