Cyber Day; Post One

Today we were instructed to read our textbook pages 134-139 and answer questions regarding the content. These are pages in which some of us have already read so, in addition to reading my textbook pictures again, I will refer to my notes. The questions are listed/answered below. 

1. Who was Pericles, and what were his goals for Athens?
2. How is a direct democracy run?
3. How did the Delian League work? 
(All answered in this paragraph)

Pericles was a wise and noble statesman who led Athens during much of its Golden Age. During the Golden Age of Athens, intellect, design, and art all thrived to new highs. This period of his rule is commonly referred to as the Age of Pericles. Pericles initiated three goals in which he wished to accomplish in order to move Athens even further forward. These three goals were to: first, strengthen democracy; secondly, hold and strengthen the Athenian Empire; and lastly, to glorify Athens in riches and looks. To accomplish one of his most challenging goals, strengthening democracy, Pericles implemented Direct-Democracy. Direct-Democracy is a system primarily ran by the people who directly rule/vote on issues rather than going through representatives. This form of government would, in turn, set the predicate in which all future civilizations follow (including our very own, while quite refined from the original direct-democracy). Moving onto the strengthening of Athens as an empire, Pericles ensured his city-states presence was not to go unnoticed under the Delian League. The Delian League worked as a united group of City-States in Greece, although in time, Athens would be in nearly full control of the Delian League. Pericles even took funds from the Delian League to put towards his third goal of glorifying Athens. This further proved the control in which Athens had obtained the Delian League which allowed them to function with all these underlying city-states as nearly an Empire. After his formation with the Delian League, Pericles was likely able to use the funds from other City-States to invest in Athens which may be one of the reasons why Athens had such a well equipped Navy. This Navy, in fact, was a large factor in what was able to help them fight Sparta, which possessed an excellent infantry. 

Personal Reflection: 

After reviewing the Pericles Age once again, I notice that even though he seemed corrupt then, he helped shape our world even today. It's incredible that government systems put in place thousands of years ago could affect the way I live today. Besides that, It will likely affect future generations past me as well. 

With that said, I conclude my 1st Cyber Day Post. Till next time! 


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