Guns, Germs, and Steel (Part 4)

Today, like other days, in Human Geo we focused on Guns, Germs, and Steel. Today was very similar to yesterday, and the day before that as a matter of fact. Today we learned more about the domestication of plants but more of animals now. We were told to guess the amount of animal species in which humans have successfully domesticated throughout our existence. I guessed 150, in hopes that it wasn't too low. Boy was I wrong. To my surprise, humans have only Successfully domesticated around 14 animals. Almost all of which I don't hear about often.

Even more to my surprise, I learned that most of this domestication/origin of these species come from the following continents: Asia, Europe, and some of South Africa. And when I say some of South Africa, I mean the Llama originates from there, that’s it. What I found most interesting was that even though the United States didn’t have such luck with domestication of these 14 animals, it still succeeded unlike Papua New Guinea. I’m excited to found out why this is though I have a feeling, that just like other reasons, it has to do with Geographical Luck.

With that said, I conclude my January 10th Blog Post! Till next time.


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