As discussed yesterday, we were instructed to write an essay question which would be used on the upcoming test. As a matter of fact, we were informed that our test (or at least part of it) is going to be during our class time this Thursday. Meaning we have a fair amount of time to study still; though, we expect to receive more information regarding the format of the test soon. My essay question and explanation is as follows: As we discussed in class, Socrates was a man of austere philosophy and even gave his life for his beliefs. With that said, write a five-paragraph essay explaining the life Socrates, how, and why he was put to death. Starting with your first paragraph, describe the Socratic Method and some possible ways we see it reflected in our world today. For your second paragraph, describe Socrates' nature (personality) based upon how he thought, acted, taught others. And In your third paragraph, give a general overview of Socrates' crimes and how they contradict...
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