The Third Class of Western Civilization

Today in Western Civilization, unlike other classes, we barely took any notes, rather, we looked over a ton of Hammurabi's Code laws. That was interesting, to say the least, meaning, a lot of these laws were very concise. Plenty of these laws seemed too concise to even occur, but according to Mr. Schick, these laws were likely followed. Now, a lot of these laws may be hard to comprehended, that's most likely because they were written before Jesus even walked on this Earth! When I brought up the probability of some of these things actually happening, Mr. Schick said that fort their time, these would be issues they would certainly face. As a counter-argument, I offered that there must surely be more than just 282 Laws within Hammurabi's Code, to which he agreed. 

I keep having to remember how long ago these laws were written, which is why I believe there are plenty laws left from this era which will go undiscovered forever.

With that said, I conclude my January 23rd Blog Post.


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