Still Greece

Yet another day passes in which we have to focus on Greece, a relatively fun subject. With that said, we pursued the structure in which the governments of Greece (which there are many) chose to rule over their people and the rights assigned to people. These rights were based mostly upon Gender and Land Ownership. Having plenty of land or being born in, lets says Athens, would likely grant you some sort of say in a political decision. As for the politics, we sure had some today in class, likely enlarged by me bringing up some politicians today who take a certain pay and pay the rest of their small salary back to the nation. I wondered if the same was true for these politicians (mostly kings and nobles) who served their public. But before I got to the question, I first asked about currency for their time, which I was informed by Mr. Schick was in ample circulation among the richer side of the population. This currency is what really intrigued me in addition to the reigns which have been left after thousands of years of conquering in these regions.

With that said, I conclude my February 20th Blog Post. Till Next Time!


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