My Blogger Issues

I have spent the past two and a half hours attempting to get this blog up due to an error message from Blogger saying that my browser was unsupported. I am also incapable of opening outlook, which was very frustrating as well.
Today in Western Civilization class, we had to read several textbook pages regarding Ancient Greece which was done while several students took a quiz we had last week. That was the Ancient Egypt quiz in which I did pretty good on luckily. Regardless, we were then told to answer questions 1, 3, 4, and 5 on the textbook content. The questions are listed and answered below.


Mycenaean- One of the first advanced Greek civilizations within the mainland which lasted for about 500 years. Most citizens were from the origins of Mycenae, Greece.

Trojan War- The Trojan war, although possibly fictitious, was a battle which was fought over a prince which was being held captive within the area of Troy. Legend has it that a massive wooden horse was used to infiltrate Troy with soldiers.

Dorian- The Dorian's were an ethnic group which remain pretty unknown to this day. This is attributed to their lack of literature and just any writing which may have shown us their way of life.

Homer- Homer was an Ancient Greek writer who wrote what are considered "poems" regarding certain events such as the Trojan war.

Epic- An Epic is considered a poem (usually quite lengthy), similar to what Homer had written. The poems are usually transmitted though oral tradition.

Myth- Greek Mythology was pretty much the inception of all myths. Their myths usually regarded the creation of the earth and other natural phenomenons.

3. During the rise of Greek civilizations, many cultures were located near the sea. A staggering amount actually. With this comes benefits and some disadvantages. An example of a benefit would be the ease of trade with friendly civilizations. On the other hand, being so close to an easy passage-way would allow for easy invasion from enemy civilizations. All this fighting allowed for slower innovation in things such as buildings and other war-torn aspects of society.

4. Overall, the Mycenaean adopted traits from the Minoans such as working with certain materials (like Metal and Lumber for ships). The Mycenaean also adopted much of how they traded from the Minoans.

5. The Epics were of special use to the Dorians because of their lack of writing skills and knowledge. And as mentioned/ defined earlier, Epics are usually transmitted orally which made not writing down these poems not as big of a problem for future generations to know.


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