Greece, Greece, Greece

Like other days recently, we have been going over a lot of content regarding Greece. Though, I must say, most of what we've gone over recently is more of an analysis rather than new content which I was hoping for. It's also unfortunate that we have to keep our Ancient Civilization textbooks at school, for I would like to continue to learn about this subject (among others in the book). I don't understand why we have gone so in depth into the Allegory of the Cave, but honestly I do not mind. As I stated earlier, I think we analyze a lot in our class and this allegory just further proves that we do. While I was absent, I heard that the class watched a video on the Allegory of the Cave, which I am going to seek help on to watch so I'm up to speed on classes. Towards the end of class, I was finally able to put a finger on what made me so interested in Greece. That ended up being the construction and really all of what remains from Ancient Greece. I believe what startled me the most was just looking at a timeline and seeing that the Greeks came along much later than the Egyptians, who had built up much larger structures than the Greeks had done 2,000 years later. 

With that said, I conclude my February 19th Blog Post. Till next time!


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