Population Pyramid

For days, I had wondered what the odd tree shaped graph in which we call a "population pyramid" is. Today I found out that it was a statistic that can be used as a value (population) or as a percentage in which represents the different amounts of population in different age groups. They traditionally go in increments of 5 years, ex. 0-4 and 10-14. We also discussed how much information can be conveyed from a simple population pyramid such as the one below:  

Japan Population Pyramid:
Live Japan Population Clock 2019 - Polulation of Japan Today

As you can probably notice, there is a surprising amount of population around the older percentile, in which can't reproduce. Which likely means (unless Japans migration laws ease up) that Japans population will begin to fall, as they are now. But when these older citizens grow older and older, disabling them from reproducing, this will become a huge problem for their economy. According to Mr. Schick, it is possible for men to take part in reproducing at a much older age, whereas women are unable to withstand bearing another baby. 

With that said, I conclude my October 28th Blog Post, Till next time!


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