Quiz Questions

Honors Human Geography Test Mock Questions

1. Maps serve two purposes, what are they? (Circle Two)

a. As a reference tool to identify an object's Absolute and Relative Location. 
b. As a tool to discover the direction in which an object is roughly located
c. As a two dimensional model of earths surface which can be perfectly fitted to a 2d image. 
d. As a communication tool to convey the distribution of human activities or physical features. 

2. Locate 60° North, 150° East. (Put a Star There)

World Outline Map in Robinson Projection

3. Lines of Longitude or sometimes called ______ can be used to find degrees of East and West.

a. meridians
b. parallels
c. lines
d. poles

4. Geography is the study of _________. 

a. where things are found on earths surface...
b. why certain nations observe different holidays.
c. map-making.
d. environmental issues concerning humans.

5. The art and science of map-making is called ______.

a. Glaciology
b. Hydrology
c. Climatology
d. Cartography

6. Lines of Latitude or sometimes called ______ can be used to find degrees of North and South.

a. equator
b. parallels
c. directions
d. meridians

7.  Fill in the 5 Blanks with the proper names of each important line of longitude. (Wow! I even edited the photo to make it hard!)

8. UTC stands for _______ ________ _______.

a. Coordinated Universal Time
b. Universal Coordinated Time
c. United Time Coordination
d. Unlimited Time Calculation

9. In order to find the size of time zones in degrees, we take our planets 360° divide it by __. 

a. 30
b. 180
c. 24
d. 15

10. The very specific location where the Prime Meridian runs through is the ______ _______. 

a. Greenwich Observatory
b. McCormick Observatory
c. Mauna Kea Observatory
d. Toulouse Observatory

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