Hans Rosling's Easy Visualization

Today we enjoyed a video, that was not without constant pause, regarding life span (or life expectancy) vs income (GDP). Now i'm not complaining that there was constant pausing, because it was necessary! The amount of information we viewed was astonishing and we had to make the decision of whether the data was important enough to write down. The amount of data we saw was likely partly how the video got its name, "200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes".

As you can imagine, viewing such a large quantity of data at once would be hard to do, unless it was stretched over time and each time a shift in data occurred, there was an explanation. This is exactly what happened in the video presented by now late Hans Rosling. He showed on a graph the comparison between GDP and Life Expectancy (Independent and Dependent Variable) over 200 years, there were also 200 nations on the graph, size based on population which we would see alter though the years. And every few years he would stop the rapidly changing graph and offer an explanation if a nation seems to be moving a lot or by very little. We are to have a quiz on this tomorrow and it should be easy because data comprehension is right up my alley! 

That concludes my October 31st Blog Post, Till next time!


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