CIA Review

Instead of moving onto the next subject today, we went into several tangents that may have just contributed to our class session today. First off we discussed our answers on our CIA World Factbook answers he did for homework last night. This can be found in my previous blog post. We spent most of the class reviewing these responses. Since the CIA World Factbook has such a great UI (User Interface) it was almost impossible to get an answer wrong if you've done the minimal practice. 

I was ecstatic to find that we would have this as a part of our upcoming test. I found the CIA World Factbook to be accurate for finding facts about Geography's ranging topics. Having about half of this be our test likely means a good grade is in my favor. 

Towards the end of class, I began asking heated questions. Which may or may have been all that good. I questioned what the taxes were for such countries as Luxembourg and we didn't really dig for an answer.  I took the liberty of finding out some basic information regarding their taxes. Surprising to me, in general, Luxembourg has some of the lowest taxes in the EU. Something still seems a bit off, I may or may not research this topic more. 


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