Cross Country and Personal Study

Today, instead of having class, I am to get on a bus with a ton sweaty teens like myself. This is a little disappointing as i'm more interested in this class as compared to others. I feel as if the information we are told to study and assessed on are subjects that are in the interest of learning for future generations. This especially includes the subject at hand in class, Population and Settlement. This topic is especially vital to our lives (not really as American citizens) but to those in more dense countries such as India. In nations like them, population is out of control since mothers tend to give birth to many children. In class we learned that this was done plenty of times in cases where the mother bore no males, who would presumably carry on as a patriarch. Since Mr. Schick said I only needed to do a brief Blog Post, I just reviewed our last classes. I also just got done talking with Ramona regarding anything I missed in class. Today class consisted of reviewing for the test and looking at previous slides. John Carroll won all of our races today, WE ARE UNDEFEATED! And now its all up to Championships, I also shaved 3 seconds off my previous time (PR Record)!

That concludes my October 23rd Blog Post, I'm listening to Billy Joel, interesting gentleman!


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