The Unknown Exam

Today, like any Human Geo class with Mr. Schick, we were asked plenty of questions. These questions were different though, that is because they were straight from our upcoming exam! And when I say upcoming, I mean within 5-6 weeks, which still means I should start reviewing my notes, which are mostly on Quizlet. The questions were really easy and I raised my hand on every question while overs complained about their sleeping habits. Luckily for me I had plenty of caffeine this morning which allowed me to be on my game. 

I answered questions like what is the TFR (Total Fertility Rate), which is 2.1. If your country's TFR is above 2.1 your country's population will rise and vice versa. Though this doesn't include Migration statistics which in the case of Germany, has a large impact on their population. Many more people are immigrating to Germany then immigrating there. Along with TFR questions, we answered questions about Crude Death Rate and Crude Birth Rate questions, all of which result in Rate of Natural Increase. If you haven't noticed yet, these questions all regard to Population and its state in our world climate. 

With that, I conclude my November 6th Blog Post! Till next time!


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