The CIA World Factbook Classwork Project

The Ten Point In-Class Assignment on The CIA World Factbook

Here are five facts each of which belongs to a different country that I found interesting regarding Population and Migration:

Fact 1:  One fact regarding the country of Chile that I found interesting was that they have a 100% Electrification Rate, meaning that every citizen of the country of Chile has energy. This is especially surprising due to the fact that their neighboring country of Bolivia has a 93% Electrification Rate which is almost as surprising. The reason that I am startled by the ability to distribute electricity to each of their citizens is that their GDP (PPP) is substantially lower than ours (The United States) and we have a 100% Electrification Rate. We have gone over a few times how our GDP (PPP) is quite high though there are some nations (at a smaller scale) that have much larger GDP per capita. 

Fact 2: Although it was no surprise that North Korea has such a closed economy according to the CIA World Factbook, what really startled me is that the country has such a high unemployment rate; 25.6% estimate in 2013. To better put that in perspective, that is more than 1/4 of the nation's population, one in four people don't have a job. Wow! As we learned in class, life expectancy usually revolves around your GDP Per Capita, hence that has really has to hurt their life span. The United States Unemployment rate is 4.4% in 2017 according to the CIA World Factbook. Though this figure is now 3.6%. Which is substantially lower than North Korea's. 

Fact 3: For some reason, still unknown, I felt interested in the number of airports Iceland has compared to the United States. The results amazed me! Iceland has 96 Airports (2013 Est.) while the United States has a staggering amount of airports, 13,513! The United States has the most airports in a nation out of other countries in our world which we also learned in class and that it's attributed to the massive amount of time Americans spend traveling for a wide assortment of reasons. 

Fact 4: A startling fact I found about Russia is its high amount of citizens with HIV/AIDS which is estimated at about 1,000,000 people. It is hard to believe that a nation with only 142 million people within their nation that they are ranked 11th in the world with this disease while its easier to believe that a country such as India who comes in at 3rd regarding AIDS/HIV infected citizens. This allows me to infer that Russia may not have as powerful of a health care system as maybe Norway who comes in 117 on the list. Yet again I'm not a doctor but maybe Norway is able to take precautions while other nations may not be able to.

Fact 5: And finally a truly geographic statistic I found the startling statistic that Panama's coastline, yes the small nation in Central America, is 2,490 kilometers long! I found this statistic amazing and it really triggered my interest in looking at Panama through different maps that maybe show more of an accurate scale of Panama. I did so and though it may not have seemed much bigger because other nations also grew, it definitely was bigger than it was on a Mercator Projection. We did research maps in Mr. Fendryks class though I assume we went over the same content which allows me to infer that like Africa is actually much bigger than it may seem on maps, the same is true with Panama.

Population Growth Pyramid Part

Brazil: I infer that Brazil will have a population in which will rise for a bit (years to come) then slowly fall due to the lack of a much younger population. Meaning that when those few people get to an age in which they are looking to have children, there will not be massive amounts of this reproduction.

Answer: Yes and no, the Population Pyramid website shows a steady population for years until those who can still produce (which is in high quantity) will begin to age and no longer reproduce.

India: As similar to Brazil, much of India's population is at an age where they can bear children and continue to do so. But unlike the Brazil population, there are plenty of children to continue this high population growth.

Answer: According to the Population Pyramid website, I was correct in an immense population boom which will continue but yet again this will slowly halt in the 2080s for reasons very complicated. I'm beginning to think that this is because I see a little decrease in the younger population's amount meaning but slowly but surely they will not be able to keep up with the population reproduction currently occurring.

China: Like these other nations, China has a pyramid which indicates that it will grow plenty for the next years to come, peak, then crashes. But when I mean crash it will drop significantly, this is because of such a decrease in the younger population. I attribute this to the precautions the Chinese government took to slow the population in the twentieth century.

Answer: I was correct to the Population Pyramids data, though they state that the population will crash much sooner then I had speculated, which makes sense because their population is wavy where the population would be reproducing which means that they rely on the averages in which families have children. 

Angola: A country with a super-wide base indicates an upcoming population boom, and when I say a wide base, I mean an absolutely huge base that will likely continue for a while until some significant event occurs. This wide base is still relatively large in comparison to the next iteration of years (5-9 years).

Answer: As predicted Angola's population will explode at a high rate with little explanation needed regarding the information given by the Population Pyramid website.

Kenya: As we learned in class much of the world's population growth comes from African nations, this is furthered back by the information from the Kenyan Population Pyramid, which shows exponential growth to come because of a massive base area.

Answer: Once again, my prediction was correct according to the Population Pyramid Website but this is easy to understand why. With trees that just decrease year by year, it is almost a certainty that the nation (or regions) population will grow. The rate at which it will grow is depending also on what other factors do, this includes migration, disease, and disasters.


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