Religion Religion Religion

A big step away from what we had done previously regarding data on population; we now study religion. We took plenty of notes today, though we only covered three religions (there is 5 major ones we will study). Those religions looked at today were: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism. Each one of these religions has over one billion practicing patrons though Christianity has the most at over 2 Billion! Or about 1/3 of the entire worlds population. Needless to say, Christianity is a big deal around the world. Islam and Hinduism are both unique as well though they tend to be more populous in terms of the eastern hemisphere (like Asia).

At the end of class I asked Mr. Schick how violent certain religions are and put simply (if there even is one) it is mostly radicals that are violent when it comes to their religion. After a short (and peaceful) back and forth I was able to get a better grip on how these religions work. I hope to get a better understanding of all these religions by the end of this (apparently) short section of our class. 

Lastly, we were supposed to be tested on our knowledge on this subject very soon but that was totally disregarded (thankfully) because it was too premature. 

Till Next Time! The Date is November 20th 2019.


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