The Exam Prep. 1

So today, even though we had gone over it for multiple classes, we really took time to focus on our exam essays. Unlike what was popular among my class mates, I chose to approach Exam prompt 1, which has me compare three nations and their unique population and migration regulations etc. This seemed hard from the start actually and is why I took up the challenge to answer the question. For my nations, which I need three of, I hesitantly chose the United States, Japan, and Syria as my nations. I did this in caution because I knew the exam itself was challenging, I did not want to make it impossible for myself. When I ran this idea by Mr. Schick, he liked the uniqueness that will likely come along with researching 3 different nations. Unlike these other nations, I have heard very few stories regarding the immigration of Syria and Japan. 

Without being too political, I am eager to find what causes these changes in immigration and population throughout these nations. The most startling thing I found today was that Syria had the highest immigration's in the world. Coming in at about 57 immigrants for every 1,000 population. Hopefully I can make sense of this statistic for myself and the peoples who are to read it. 

With that said, I conclude my December 10th Blog Post, Till next time!


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