Cyber Day; Post 14

After we were informed that a test is on the horizon, we were instructed to not only consider a possible essay question; but, to compose 5 objective questions. This test will likely cover a majority of the content that was covered prior to our departure from normal classes.  That means a quick visit back to my notes from class as well as a visit to my past blogs, both of which will surely assist me in creating an essay question (mentally) and 5 objective questions. Those questions are listed below as well as a brief explanation of their validity: 

Question 1.) 

Alexander the Great tamed a horse which was said to be untamable by his father and his peers, what was that horse's name?

a. Achilleus
b. Bucephalus (Correct Answer)
c. Hercules
d. Phillip

Explanation: While ensuring students know Alexander the Great's horse's name, the question also causes the test-taker to double-guess that it's not Phillip (II), another name familiarized in that lesson.

Question 2.) 

Socrates, a man of great philosophy, was executed. How was that done? 

a. He was stoned
b. He was crucified upside down
c. He was burnt to death
d. He drank poisonously Hemlock (Correct Answer)

Explanation: Question 2 allows students to make a correlation with past executions they're aware of. By doing so, other figures such as St. Stephen (stoned), St. Peter (crucified upside down, and St. Mercurius (burned) are brought to mind while the correct answer is allowed to be diluted and slightly forgotten. 

Question 3.) 

Which of the following is the title for the most effective naval weapon among the Athenian navy?  

a. Trireme (Correct Answer)
b. The Phalanx
c. Demeter
d. Parthenon

Explanation: The validity of Question 3 is shown by the number of terms that sound fitting for such a ship, while if studied properly a student may be able to utilize the prefix Tri- since the ship has three levels. Regardless, if reviewed, the question will come as a relatively routine problem. 

Question 4.) 

What were the characteristics of an Athenian Citizen? 

a. 18+, white, born in Greece
b. Slaveowner, Property owner, Born in Athens
c. Citizenship was granted through a "lottery"
d. Free Adult, Male, Property Owner, Born in Athens (Correct Answer)

Explanation: After making the connection between possible characteristics of an Athenian Citizen and the actual truth, students will have to remember the innate marks that make being a citizen so "special".

Question 5.) 

Which of the following Greek philosophers dreamt of a "database" in which all of mankind's knowledge could be held? (Hint: He tutored Alexander the Great!)

a. Plato 
b. Socrates
c. Homer
d. Aristotle (Correct Answer)

Explanation: In order to properly answer Question 5, the test-taker must be very informed on the desires and thoughts of Greek philosophers. While all Greek philosophers arguably worked to find solutions, it's vital to know which one sought out an all-in-one resource of knowledge. 

With that said, I will ponder a valid essay question and conclude my April 20th Cyber-Day Post, Till next time! Stay Safe!

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