Site and Go!

After a quick recap of what was yesterdays key question, "How geographers describe where things are located", we began to focus on Situation

As defined in class, Situation is "A valuable way to indicate location, for two reasons:"

1. Situation is what we can use to find the location of an unfamiliar place by comparing its location to other known locations. 

Figure 1

An example of this use of Situation would be to find John Carroll by referring to it as "east of Rockfield Park". We can use this to tell someone who is familiar with the location of one spot (Rockfield Park) to find the location of another point (Such as John Carroll). See Figure 1 for a visual representation.

2. Situation can help us to better understand the importance of a location. As reviewed in class, the location of a certain settlement can have a large impact on its economy. 

WPS - Port of San Francisco port commerce

Figure 2 (San Fransisco Port)

An example of this use of Situation would be that a city that exports in high figures is likely to succeed more often if they are a port city rather than if they were landlocked. Meaning that they are able to use ships to directly send products out of their manufacturing plants and such without the need for a less cost-friendly ground and air shipping route. Notice how in Figure 2, San Fransisco is able to import products to its residents directly from their ports via Cargo Ships. In addition to its citizens, San Fransisco is also to improve their economy by means of tax by taking those imports and shipping them throughout the continental United States. 

That Concludes my September 26th Blog Post, Till Next Time! 


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